Aging Inappropriately with Mandi Blackford

Let me introduce you to a client-turned-friend…drumroll please…Ms. Mandi, Champagne Fabulous, Blackford! 👏👏👏

I am so proud of Mandi. When we started working together, she was just getting her first Champagne Fabulous products ready for distribution. She was doing the dance that so many of you hard working parents, grandparents, caregivers, partners and biz owners do, the one that involves wearing 10 gajillion hats and working the equivalent of 10 bazillion full- time jobs. (I see you.)

Mandi’s star has risen! She’s now the pink-haired retail goddess behind the Champagne Fabulous brand, and hostess of The Age Inappropriately Show

I was delighted to be a guest on her show, where we talk about what else, but aging inappropriately!

Society often dictates that as we age, particularly for women, we should conform to specific behaviors, attire, and gradually fade away... 

We call bullsh*t!

Here’s the deal, research tells us that how old you feel reflects the state of both your mental and physical health.

Feel older than you are? You’re more likely to have some health issues.

Feel younger than your number? You’re likely healthier and more mentally resilient. 

Some fascinating studies tricked older people into feeling younger and BAM! they were instantly more capable. 

Want to feel younger? 

Do something inappropriate for your age! Wear red and purple, dye your hair pink, go salsa dancing!

After turning 50 I met my life partner on Tinder, entered trail running races, learned to boulder and took my first trampoline class.  

Next up: improv!

What about you? 

What’s your plan to age inappropriately? 

Give Mandi’s podcast a listen on your favorite podcast program or watch us on YouTube and let us know :)

Here’s to aging inappropriately! 💋

Follow Mandi on Instagram at @ageinappropriately and check out Champagne Fabulous.