Be open to receive

Do you ever catch yourself with one foot on the gas and one foot on the accelerator? I did recently.

But first, a quick backstory…

I’m not really into cars. I mean they’re nice and all, and they get you from one place to the other, but that’s about it for me.

I still drive a 2006 Honda Civic Hybrid. They don’t even make them anymore.

However, living in Asheville and spending a lot of time in the mountains, I’ve recently decided I want a vehicle more suited to my outdoor lifestyle, like a Toyota Tacoma.

Fast forward to a recent trip when I reserved an economy car.

Upon arrival, I opened the rental car app to pick my car.

My phone flashed: “Complimentary upgrade, White Toyota Tacoma!”

Nope, I ordered an economy sedan. Refresh.

“Complimentary upgrade, Silver Toyota Tacoma!”

Nope, I ordered a CAR. Not a pickup. Refresh.

“Complimentary upgrade,” Chevy Silverado!” A FULL sized pickup?!

NO! I ordered a….WAIT A MINUTE! I DID order a Toyota Tacoma! Facepalm…

Asking for what you want is one thing. Being open to receiving it is another.

I often see this same dynamic with my clients. They’re on their way to getting what they want for their health and their life, then it starts sneaking up on them…a little freak-out moment.

Maybe you’ve experienced it yourself. The Universe starts to give you what you want and BAM!

This is completely normal, and sometimes shows up as sabotage, self-sabotage, listening to limiting beliefs, feelings of unworthiness or perceiving real or unreal obstacles…insert your own.

Here’s the antidote:

  1. Ask for what you want.

  2. Do the work to get it.

  3. Be open to receive.


Let me know how it goes.