Radical mindset shift

How’s your summer going? Have you had some relaxation time? A nice vacation? Or even a few lazy afternoons swaying in your hammock or lounging by the pool?

If your answer is “yes,” great!

If it’s “no,” did you know that your lack of downtime may actually be costing you focus, productivity and better health?

I get it. I’m an entrepreneur and I used to have a big corporate job. I know our society values “busyness,” and you might fear that you’ll be judged for putting your feet up when there is so much to get done. Not to mention taking a nap! Gasp!

Do any of these common beliefs resonate with you?

  • I don’t have time to rest.

  • I can’t afford to take a break.

  • Vacation? There’s no way I can take any time off…

If they do, I invite you to consider a radical mindset shift: 

When you allow yourself to rest and take a break, you actually get more done, not less, and you’ll be healthier for it! 

But…“I hate admitting that I’m tired.”

I recently heard a fellow entrepreneur utter these words. Her job description includes: copywriter, editor, yoga teacher and COO of a household consisting of two young children, two dogs, and a spouse who is frequently out of town. 

I don’t know who else needs to hear this today, but here goes:

It’s okay to admit that you are tired.

It’s okay to take a break.

It’s okay to get enough sleep.

It’s okay to unplug once in a while.

It’s okay to take a vacation.

In fact, all of the above are not just okay, they’re necessary in order to live and age healthily, to focus, to be present for your family and to produce your best work.

Don’t take my word for it, look at the science.

Rest and your health

Your mind and body need downtime to heal. When you rest, you activate your parasympathetic nervous system.

Parasympathetic what?

Your parasympathetic nervous system tells your body it’s okay to “rest and digest.” When activated, your heart rate and respiration slow, your blood pressure lowers, metabolism is turned on and digestion is promoted. 

It is only in this state that your body can heal and rejuvenate, and several studies suggest an activated parasympathetic nervous system can help you lose weight.

Rest and your focus and productivity

“When demand in our lives intensifies, we tend to hunker down and push harder. The trouble is that, without any downtime to refresh and recharge, we’re less efficient, make more mistakes, and get less engaged with what we’re doing,” according to Tony Schwartz, head of productivity consulting firm The Energy Project. 

“Brief mental breaks will actually help you stay focused on your task!” says University of Illinois psychology professor Alejandro Lleras. 

These are just two examples from a ton of research advocating the healing power of rest. You might be wondering what “taking a break” actually looks like, especially if you’re buzzing on busyness. 

Here are five ways to incorporate rest into your day for better health, focus and productivity:

  1. Set your timer to go off once every hour, get up from your work and stretch, take some deep breaths, walk around the block, or even do a few pushups 😀.

  2. Take a proper lunch. Get away from your desk, set a place at the table, sit down, power down your devices, and enjoy your meal distraction-free.

  3. Get enough sleep. Most adults need 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep, most nights.

  4. Schedule a personal retreat. Of course I’d love for you to join me at one of my live retreats (see below) but if the stars don’t align, plan a few days on your own. Rent a cool AirBnb, hit your friend up for her condo in Florida, or even hang out in a coffee shop with your journal for the afternoon. Even if you’re still plugged in, the change of scenery is inspiring, especially if you work from home. I do some of my best, most creative thinking on what I call my “CEO Think Week,” which I schedule once a month.

  5. Take a real vacation. Block some time off on your calendar and let everyone know you’ll be off the grid. No laptop, no work, no checking emails. 

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to take a nap :)

P.S: When you feel ready, here are three more ways you can drastically improve your health, well-being, productivity, presence and focus:

RAV Healthy Aging Intensive, I’ll help you optimize your resources so that you have oodles of energy, are better able to manage your stressful life and can accomplish your big goals even faster! This private coaching partnership is limited to 6 clients. There is 1 spot opening in September. 

My online Yoga Community!  We started “Zooming” when COVID shut down the yoga studios and we're still going strong! One of my students recently commented, “Your classes have been an important part of my wellness for the last three years. I am so fortunate to be a part of this community.”

Let’s Talk! Each week, I reserve time to catch up with members of my community. One powerful conversation might be exactly what’s needed to change the course of your life. I’d love to have that conversation with you.