A summer solstice refame

Happy summer solstice! How do you feel about the longest day of the year? It used to be my least favorite day, but it is now my fav.


Well…I’m doing a whole lotta mindset work, and it’s becoming obviously obvious to me that focusing on what I don’t want only brings me more of what I don’t want!

For example, if I say, “The summer solstice is my least favorite day of the year because I get sad when the days start to get shorter, it only focuses my attention on my sadness.

What you focus on grows. Focus on your sadness? You’ll feel more sadness.

A reframe: “The summer solstice is my most favorite day of the year because it’s the longest day of the year with the most daylight. I LOVE being outside in the daylight, so on the solstice I have more hours to be outside having fun.”

Focus on having fun and you'll have more fun! It’s pretty simple.

What are you focusing on right now?