Your Minimalist Guide to 2024

Happy New Year!

I hope that your holidays were a delightful mix of fun, joy, and cherished moments. 🌟

And just like that, here we are again, beginning a new year.

Maybe you’ve made a resolution to do this or not do that. Good for you!

Maybe you’ve printed off a 21-day checklist, to keep you on track with a new or re-committed habit. Awesome!

Or, maybe like a few of my clients, you’ve chosen a word or a theme for the year. That’s cool. One client in particular inspired me with her word for 2024:


Living a healthy life does not have to be complicated. In fact, some of the most impactful needle movers to your health are free and readily at your fingertips.

Simple things like:

  • Drinking plenty of water each day–at least 50% of your body weight in ounces, daily

  • Getting your ZZZs–7 to 9 hours of sleep, most nights

  • Moving your body–at least 20 minutes, most days 

  • Eating a variety of plants–at least 30 different varieties each week, whether you’re vegan, vegetarian or an omnivore

  • And last but not least–getting outdoors. Be in nature. Breathe fresh air. Feel the sunshine, as often as you can.

Whaddya say? Join me in my revolution to embrace the power of simplicity and get back to the basics–where wellness truly begins and a vibrant life unfolds!

If you’d love to spend time in nature, relax and renew, then join me for my Spirit of the Mountain retreat in the Smoky Mountains. Registration is now open

I’ll make sure you’re well-hydrated, well-rested, well-fed and have plenty of opportunity to move your body in twice-daily yoga classes and hiking trails on the property!

Any questions? Email me!