Do you feel good in your own skin?

Do you feel good in your own skin? (I can tell you, after this haircut, Koda did not. 🤣)

This is one of the things I hear most often from my clients. That they want to feel good in their skin again.

It’s funny, often this starts as a conversation about weight that goes something like this:

“Since I’ve turned 50 (or 60, 65, 70…) I just feel puffy and bloated. I can’t seem to lose weight.”

Then I ask, “Why do you want to lose a few pounds?” And they’ll answer something like this:

“So I can climb volcanoes. Be there for my kid. Get down on the floor and play with my grandkids. Be free from aches and pains. Feel sexy. Have fun. Feel confident.”

Ah…feel sexy, have fun and be confident.

It usually turns out that the number on the scale isn’t really the issue. It’s the way that you move, how vibrant you feel and “who you be” that counts.

In my experience, this is what women want. To feel comfortable, confident and sexy in their own skin. And have more fun!

I’m not a weight loss coach. That’s not what I do.

I am a healthy aging expert. I can help you remain relevant, active and vibrant as you get older, so you can have more fun! And feel comfortable in your own skin again.

Does this sound like you? Reach out.