Koda's New Personal Best!

Hi everyone 👋. My name is Koda and I’m 9 months old!

I’m here with my mama just after crushing a new personal best! I hiked 7.63 miles with my mom, dad and my sister Sylvie.

It was easy for my dad and Sylvie because they're beasts. But I’m just a little baby, so I’m really proud I could keep up.

Don’t worry (or turn my mama in to the poodle puppy police), she brought snacks and plenty of water; I got to rest when I needed to and she made it really fun for me by kicking a pine cone for me to chase and letting me carry a stick in my mouth while I ran.

My mama says this is how I will age healthily and grow up to be a big and strong poodle, like my sister.

She says you can age healthily and be strong too. All you have to do is follow these simple steps:

👏 Try something you’ve never done before, because then you’ll be proud
💪 Do hard things, because then you’ll know you can do more hard things
🥳 Play games and have fun
💦 Drink lots of water
🍎 Eat plenty of good snacks
😴 Rest when you’re pooped

My mama also wanted me to remind you that she has a thingamajig coming up where you can practice all of these things with her. It’s called Banish the Bloat and Energize. I don’t really know what that means, but she said you can find more information here: Spring Cleanse 2023.

Trust me, she’s a good coach. You’ll have lots of fun and feel really proud, like me. 😉