Back to the basics

This is me and my mom, Susan. She’s a pretty incredible role model for how to age healthily, and she’s taught me so many valuable life lessons over the years:

  • How to make a homemade pizza crust

  • The secret spots in the woods where you’ll always find a morel mushroom

  • The joys of biting into a juicy pear, straight from her tree

  • It’s good be gentle, patient and kind 

  • Love all of God’s creatures. (Except for ticks. My mom ruthlessly executes ticks.)

She also taught me how to love eating my fruits and vegetables. I remember bowls of salad and fresh fruit on the table, along with her homemade bread.

I also remember her saying, “Time to get back to the basics,” if her bell-bottomed jeans got a little too tight. 😂

My mom didn’t diet. Well, I do remember some cabbage soup talk, but she’d just get back to the basics of healthy eating if she wasn’t feeling her best. One less homemade cinnamon roll and one more green vegetable. 

That’s a simple and powerful mantra to live by:

“Back to the basics”

You enjoyed the holidays, and perhaps waded through dry January. You celebrated Valentine’s Day and the Chiefs Super Bowl win. Maybe your New Year’s resolution are dead by now, and that quick-fix, too-good-to-be-true diet has fallen by the weigh-side 🤣…

Is it time to get back to the basics?

You might be thinking, “How boring! Why would I go back to square one? I need quick results! I want transformation in my life and health and it can’t be that easy.”

I want all that for you too. And it can be that easy.

You’ll get where you want to go—and stay there—by doing just one thing:

Get back to the basics.

I know, it is easy to fall prey to the clickbait, because you want results and you want them now! These quick-fix, sounds-too-good-to-be-true offers can be enticing, and this is exactly what the so-called health and wellness industry banks on.

Your fear and vulnerability.

“Take the pill, mix the powder, count the carbs and in three days you’ll look and feel like a 30-year old again!”

You know what they say—if it sounds too good to be true, it is. (Not to mention, I don’t really want to be 30 again, do you?)

You might think the basics sound boring, but they're called the basics because they work. By definition, basics are the essentials, the facts, the principles of something.

And when it comes to what you eat, the basics are pretty simple and far from boring if you know what they are! 

It’s not complicated, it’s in fact its, well, basic! 

Eat real food, and plenty of it. More whole foods, less processed junk. More plants, less meat. Eat more, not less.

It truly can be this easy peasy. And I can help you make some exciting shifts in your health that will bring you long lasting results. 

So, if you’re ready and could use a little support, my Banish the Bloat and Energize plant-based spring cleanse and coaching intensive is open for registration. It’s the perfect springboard to feeling your very best self. 

No powders, no pills, no counting calories.

Just a whole lotta real good food.

Sign up here:

Basically yours,
