
Do you want to be healthier, have more energy and less bloat? Who doesn't, right?

But do you believe that in order to accomplish this you need to eat less, do a crazy fast, or tolerate boring bland foods?

No way! What if I told you the secret to being healthy, energized and feeling good in your body is to eat….MORE!

Registration is open for my Banish the Bloat and Energize plant based spring cleanse and coaching intensive, and it is NOT about water fasting, green juices or boring bland food.

In fact, you will eat MORE!

More of these:

🌾 Whole grains like quinoa, brown rice and oats.

🥦 Any and all veggies, and not just the green ones. Sure, spinach, kale, collard greens, Swiss chard and cabbage and also squash, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, and you know what - white potatoes too! Any veg you can name, you can eat on this cleanse.

🍒 Fruits - fresh and frozen. Yep, that means bananas (because they don’t make you fat), and berries, oranges, apples…Enjoy any and all fresh or frozen fruits on this cleanse.

🫘 Beans and legumes: White beans, black beans, chickpeas, lentils…

🥑 Healthy fats like whole avocados and avocado oil, nuts and nut butters, seeds and seed butters, olives and olive oil.

And other fun stuff like hummus, almond milk, cacao powder, cacao nibs, sparkling waters, kombucha, kimchi, sauerkraut…and yes, I think these things are fun! 😂

So you can see, there is absolutely no deprivation on this cleanse. Only real, good food, and plenty of it.

Sign up at and eat more, not less!

Doors close March 16